
It’s Christmas season! One of the most special and love filled times of the year. There is so much that comes with the holiday season and we wanted to try to give you some practical ways to leave a little bit less of a footprint this year, without taking away from the magic of the season!

Here are 10 tips for a more sustainable Christmas:

  1. Wrapping paper - Choose an eco-friendly replacement for the glitzy wrapping paper! Paper covered in glitter, ribbons, sticky tape, etc. can’t be recycled so try to stay away from that. Make the switch to eco-friendly brown paper and try using twine instead of ribbon! You can also tie in little twigs or eucalyptus to make it more pretty. Or you can even ditch paper all together and wrap in fabric! This way you can reuse the fabric for years to come.

  2. Gift experiences instead of items - There are so many ways you can get creative with this! A lot of times experiences mean more anyways. You can gift a massage or a pedicure or a trip to top golf or anything that you think your person would enjoy! This idea of gifting an experience means less waste and a new memory.

  3. Gifts that will last - If you still want to get someone a physical gift, choose a gift that will last instead of something that will break or that they will be done with in a month or two. Choosing something that lasts means it won’t end up in a land fill.

  4. Pick clothing gifts wisely - If you are wanting to gift clothing, try thrifting! You can find some gorgeous vintage designer pieces that will leave your recipient wowed and will leave less of a footprint than purchasing something new. OR you can invest in high-quality sustainable fashion. It may cost more, but it will last a long time and is so much better for the planet and people. It’s worth it to stay away from fast fashion!

  5. Reusable advent calendar - If you’re into advent calendars, try investing in a reusable one instead of getting a new one each year! It’s sustainable and can make a fun tradition and something to pass down one day.

  6. Take reusable bags with you when shopping - We often talk about reusable bags for grocery shopping, but the same goes for gift shopping! Bring those reusable bags!

  7. Shop small businesses and local businesses - This is great for small businesses during these hard times brought on by COVID. It also is usually the more sustainable option since small businesses aren’t producing things in mass and have more care put into the gifts!

  8. Use LED lights - These are much more energy efficient as opposed to the alternatives. Make sure your Christmas lights on your tree and one your home are LED!

  9. Hand crafted decor - This is a great way to leave less of a footprint. Try getting handmade stockings on Etsy or creating your own garlands! The more you can make on your own, the better. It can be a really fun activity to do with your family as well!

  10. Eat less meat/dairy - I know it’s unrealistic to think that everyone will cut out meat and dairy completely in the holiday season, but try cutting back! There are so many delicious vegan alternatives for dishes these days that it makes it easy. You can make it a challenge and try finding a new vegan alternative for one dish each year!

We hope these tips inspire you to make a few different choices when it comes to Christmas this year. Although it is one of the best times full of love and gifts and memories, it is also one of the most wasteful times of the year. The excess waste that comes with this season doesn’t have to be the norm! Let’s all do our part and do a little bit better.

Merry Christmas!

xoxo, Cierra and Aubrey